Year: 2024

Story Map for Narrative Text- clark the shark


Today room 5s literacy class task was to read a sotry from storyline online and asnwer the questions on the google slides. the story i chose was clark the shark and on top of this there are the questions that I have answered.this was really fun because i learnt that the story I read was about having selfcontrol.if you want to learn more about this story or find more storys like clark the shark go to Storyline Online.

Term 2 Immersion assembly first day

Today is the first day of term 2! Pt england school had their very own immersion assembly. Everyone was excited because this was the first time seeing Mr Burt from his back surgery. We only have an Immersion assembly when it’s the first day of a term. It’s an assembly for the students to know what the theme is fort he term and also for the teachers to show what they would be doing for this term . To start off the assembly We had blessing to do the school karakia and me (Taisha) to do the mihi. While I was saying my mihi I was pretty scared because I thought I would fumble it up because I was saying it in tongan, but once I said it I felt really proud of myself.the first performance was from the senior management team, after their great preformance we then went in order. the order went : team 1, team 2, team 3, team 4 and then team 5. my favourite team was team 3 because they recreated matilda, my favourite part of the preformance was bobby john stuffing his face with chocolate cake how hallarious !  my least favourite was team 5 this was so disapointing the poor language mr wiseman was saying although I didnt like it I still managed to have fun. thank you for listening to my story i hope you like what I wrote please leave a comment below thank you

🙂 have a great day (:

Task descripton: Malo e lelei welcome to my blog

team 5s task was to write about the first immersion assembly of term 2!

each term pt england school has a theme.

this term the theme is Transformers. Team 5 is learning how to do drama and how to dress up in disguise

I really hope you enjoyed my story about the first day of term 2.

MY SUMMARISE about carlas sandwich

this is my summarise about the book I read which is called carlas sandwhich this book was very intresting and cool i loved reading it because it taught carlas class a lesson that lesson was to never jugde a book by its cover I really liked it when carlas classmates started to copy her becaause they found out it was an amazing combo if you want to know more about this book then you can read it on storyline online I hope you enjoy and have a good day.

Theme and main ideas

This week my literacy learnt what theme and main ideas are the groups captain Americia and black panthers had to read the storys that are on the google slides and answer the questions here is my work. I really enjoyed this because one of the storys were about aladdin.this is my work I hope you enjoy this because I love reading. I hope you enjoy my work and have an amazing day thanks for reading.

Writing a Script

Here is my writing for literacy. This week my literacy class was assigned to write a script about a book we read on storyline online or kiwikids news!. for my script I read on the site storyline online and the book I read was “the case of the missing carrot cake”. If your wondering what this book is about here is my script that wrote. Check this out on Storyline online . com


WELCOME BACK its you favourite student here at pt england school I am now a year 8 and its currently term 1 2024 how exciting right well for my first blog for this year is my reading task this is about when  things get tough or didnt go the way you expected ! Why dont you check it out i wrote some things in here so I really hope you enjoy it like how I enjoyed doing this task so much thank you for checking my blog out and reading my Task description have a wonderful day. xoxo